Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mr. Wyatt- our trail guide

First of all, I got a new lens for my camera. Its awesome!! Can't wait to take more pictures with it. It has an AMAZING zoom! Something I would want to have here in Germany, so I can take pics of far off castles :D 

Here is a pic looking down our road. Its used with 55mm zoom (the highest zoom my old lens could get) Pay attention to the hill up at the top

Here is that same hill, with the greatest zoom with my new lens- 250mm zoom. BIG difference huh? I was shocked at the difference. However, with my new lens its hard to get pictures of something right in front of me a few feet away. I wouldn't have a problem with my old lens, but with my new lens I have to walk backwards so I'm not so close. I'll just carry both lens with me and switch out when needed. 

We have all these walking trails around our area, called the Nordic Walking trails. Some are a couple KM long, others are 9-14 KM long. We have a walking path right above our house on the hill. We set out the other day to find it. Wyatt was our guide. 

We walked past the lake and found the nature trail that took us in a zig zag pattern through the hills and trees until we reached the clearing at the top. It was gorgeous on the way up. Wyatt led the way and occasionally would give us high-5's once we made it so far. 

Wyatt allowed us to take a breather. 

Up the hill behind our house are the goats. That was the reason why we set off looking for this trail. I loved this goat. The picture is great too, minus the wires. 

Wyatt fed them some grass. James is taking the kids up there again today while I'm at practice (and while I use the wifi at the coffee place on base) to feed them some carrots. 

The orange house is ours. Its the back of the house. The white house next to it is another Germany, who seems nice but doesn't speak much English. The house to the left of ours (that you can barley see because of the overgrown trees and bushes) is the crazy cat lady.

And the pretty view of the Biersdorf from the top of the hill. I love the church. Its my favorite thing in the village. 

We saw the sheep that are on the hill as well, but didn't get close enough to them on this hike. I'm sure James and the kids will find them later today.

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